Sawtooth Oak Farms Hunt ~ The Why

 Have you ever stopped to think what life would be like if you or your children had a disability? Many live every day being or loving someone with a disability. Those that don’t, find it hard to truly understand the strength, motivation, determination, and will of steel that it takes for a disabled person and the family that loves them to make not only a life, but a FULL life. That is what we here at Sawtooth Oak Farms hope to give the disabled community.The Sawtooth Oak Farms Hunt, also known as The Brent Barringer Memorial Hunt, was founded by Matt and John Barringer. Brent Barringer, cousin of Matt and John, suffered a brain tumor. He was diagnosed at the age of 4 and lost his battle at the age of 33.  Brent loved to hunt, loved the outdoors, and loved the comradery of getting together with his hunting buddies. During years of working to give Brent the outdoor experiences that he loved, even as his disability progressed, Matt and John gained the knowledge and motivation to help others with disabilities get back in the woods. Now we host all different disabilities here at Sawtooth Oak Farms. Our community comes together with one goal; giving the disabled the opportunity to get outdoors and the chance to be free to do cool things that so many take for granted.

The Sawtooth Oak Farms Hunt holds two events a year. A turkey hunt in the spring and a deer hunt in December. We hold online registration for disabled hunters each August (we love to see new names) and the hunters are chosen by lottery draw. We host 65 hunters each year and create an entire weekend where these hunters are given a VIP experience.  The weekend consists of great food, fellowship, and outdoors! The events are possible because of a few key ingredients: Sponsors, Guides, Volunteers, Community, and mostly - God.

Because we have been blessed with all the key ingredients, we have been able to give away 40+ power chairs, hand controls for a disabled driver, and a handicap accessible minivan, and in turn, changed so many lives for the better. Our continued goal is to keep on giving people independence that many take for granted.

Feel free follow us on Facebook at Sawtooth Farm Hunt and on Instagram @Sawtoothhunt to see how it all happens. If you would like to get involved email [email protected]. We are a 501c3.

18 Years of Helping Individuals with Disabilities

For nearly two decades, Sawtooth Oak Farms Hunt has been dedicated to helping those in need by raising funds to provide adaptive equipment for individuals with disabilities. Our mission is simple: to empower lives by ensuring everyone has access to the tools they need to thrive. Through generous donations and a strong community of supporters, we've been able to make a meaningful impact on countless lives.

Get Expert Assistance

If you have questions about our programs, or wish to make a donation, reach out to us. Contact us today and join our mission to empower individuals with disabilities through disability equipment.

Sawtooth Oak Farms Hunt